Pedophiles Using Drones Over Schools!

Over in the UK, the news has been released that along with other criminal activity, pedophiles are using drones over schools to spy on their prey! According to “Police are investigating evidence that pedophiles are using drones to watch and record children at school.” The was shared after receiving reports of more than 300 suspicious flights in the last two years. There is a rapid increase in Quadcopters to assist monsters such as these in preparing for their crimes. If this is happening in the UK, you can be sure this is happening over on this side of the pond as well.

The PDF A Drone’s Eye View: Why and How the Federal Aviation Administration Should Regulate Hobbyist Drone Use states: 

“A New York Times columnist, Nick Bilton, documented his personal experience with drone surveillance in his neighborhood. As the columnist looked out of his home office window, he saw a drone hovering twenty feet away with the camera aimed directly into his home. The columnist wrote, ‘I see little difference between a drone hovering near my window, and someone standing across the street with a pair of binoculars. Both can peer into my office.’ At that moment, the columnist stated that he “felt spied upon” and was unsure of why a drone was peeking into his window. This is just one of the many instances that have been reported by civilians and confirms the pervasiveness of drone technology.”

Our Take:

If it’s true that Phediphiles are using drones over schools in the UK, you can be sure they are doing the same in your backyard. How many innocent children have been spied on and targeted during recess time at government schools? Who would have thought simple playtime could be so dangerous? But nothing about the public school system is safe. Protect your children and keep them at home.

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